June 1st, Strijen, The Netherlands

Dear shihan, sensei and all the people of our great Kyokushin family.

This is to inform you all that as of today, 1st of june, I have resigned from the group of Shihan Tezuka.
I have ask shihan Tezuka by letter to give me back my fee for my grade so that i can return his certficate and belt. I have also ask him to return the money for all membershipcards of the Netherlands because this money is not in the right place.

My reasons for resignation are very simple :
1) I believe we must support the Oyama family because they are the flesh and blood of Sosai.
2) I don't want to be part of what I now realize, after lengthy and ongoing discussions with key people, is a big deception and an organization that acts without authority.
3) Mas Oyama's Kyokushin will be always Kyokushin. I cannot allow or accept any change to the original name as chosen by Sosai.

I have become aware of the challenges faced by the wife and children of Sosai by not just one or two but all the Kyokushin Karate groups. The family has had to constantly fight in court for their most fundamental rights, ie, their legal inheritance from their father. Any right to use Sosai's intellectual property (the kanji, the kanku mark, the copyrighted images of Sosai owned by the family, the Dojo Kun and so on), which the Japanese court has clearly stated belongs to the family, should under any legal system in the world and even within the most basic guidelines of common decency, honesty and respect, come from the family.

Yet this is not the case and NOT ONE of the organizations that call themselves a legitimate representative of Kyokushin Karate and Sosai Oyama pays ANY due, royalty or respect to the family.

As a result of the information that has come to light in the past months, I feel strongly compelled to align myself to IKO Sosai, the organization that works with and for Sosai's own flesh and blood family. I feel a great sense of respect and loyalty to the family which I had been led to believe was being shown through the Tezuka Group. I now realize that is NOT the case at all. As someone calling myself a student of the teachings of Sosai Mas Oyama, I think it is my duty to help, work for and honor his wife and children. To claim the privileges of one without fulfilling the responsibilities of the other is nothing more than a convenient lie.

For me, it is time to end this lie.


Best wishes in Kyokushin

Sjaak van de Velde
Branch Chief of The Netherlands



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